Gallery Night 2020 - Albrecht Dürer "Time around Dürer"
The time around Dürer
Gallery Shades
DATE: 16/10/2020
The Matices Gallery (Asunción) presents the exhibition El tiempo en torno a Durero, opening on Friday, October 16, as part of the Night of the Galleries 2020. The exhibition includes a series of embossed engravings and facsimiles of works by the German artist Albrecht Dürer, along with a selection of contemporary works by five Paraguayan artists (Silvio Alder, Carlos Colombino, Selmo Martínez, Osvaldo Salerno and Félix Toranzos) and a German-Hungarian artist (Sofía Fränkl).
The exhibition, curated by Alban Martínez Gueyraud, is divided into four sections. The first, Symbols of Time, displays five embossed engravings and two facsimiles of Dürer's works from the shop of the Albrecht-Dürer-Haus, Nuremberg, Germany. These pieces show his skill in engraving and drawing, his ability to express and spread a new language, the Renaissance, in northern Europe and, above all, his interest in both the symbols of time and the evolution of images.
The second section, In aeternum, presents a selection of works by the above-mentioned artists. Sofia Fränkl, who has been the driving force behind the "Lebendiges Museum" programme at the Albrecht-Dürer-Hauses in Nuremberg since 1998, shows through her works the processing of copperplate engraving and other old reproduction techniques from Dürer's time. These contemporary creators have created pieces or series inspired by certain themes or visual references developed by Dürer.
It is worth remembering that Dürer died on 6 April 1528, before he reached the age of 57. In addition to his magnificent paintings, the German artist was the author of countless drawings, around one hundred metal engravings, more than two hundred woodcuts and three illustrated art treatises, works that have left an important mark on the history of art, as well as on the work of several artists. For this reason, the title In aeternum is inspired by a Latin phrase meaning "for all eternity" or "forever".
The third section, Memories, is dedicated to two audiovisual materials: a video that recounts moments of the visit of the directors of the Matices gallery to the Albrecht-Dürer-Hauses in Nuremberg and a documentary about the artist.
The fourth section, The Time of Images, houses in a special display case some of Dürer's original engravings from private collections in Paraguay, as well as objects, documents and books that offer information about his mastery and the constant search for beauty in his work.