Curatorial Texts

Nota curatorial de Eugenia Ruiz - (Muestra: Resonancia de Malola Echauri - N.D.G. 2018)

Curatorial note by Eugenia Ruiz - (Exhibition: ...

"RESONANCE" “In sonorous atmospheres and in a context of vegetation… forms from the pictorial establish a network of protection towards the environment and towards oscillating nature…”. Maria Gloria Echauri (Malola)....

Curatorial note by Eugenia Ruiz - (Exhibition: ...

"RESONANCE" “In sonorous atmospheres and in a context of vegetation… forms from the pictorial establish a network of protection towards the environment and towards oscillating nature…”. Maria Gloria Echauri (Malola)....

Nota de la artista Malola Echauri - (Muestra: Resonancia - N.D.G. 2018)

Note from the artist Malola Echauri - (Exhibiti...

Resonance- Night of Galleries - Matices Gallery 2018 My proposal focuses on the recreation of sound atmospheres that dialogue with nature, where cicadas appear as a metaphor for transformation and...

Note from the artist Malola Echauri - (Exhibiti...

Resonance- Night of Galleries - Matices Gallery 2018 My proposal focuses on the recreation of sound atmospheres that dialogue with nature, where cicadas appear as a metaphor for transformation and...

Texto curatorial del Dr. Alban Martínez G. - (Muestra: Poesía Visual de Tony Roberto - N.D.G. 2017)

Curatorial text by Dr. Alban Martínez G. - (Exh...

Visual poetry The ancients have said that poetry is a picture without forms and that a painting is a poem with forms. Kuo Hsi. Under the title Visual Poetry, the...

Curatorial text by Dr. Alban Martínez G. - (Exh...

Visual poetry The ancients have said that poetry is a picture without forms and that a painting is a poem with forms. Kuo Hsi. Under the title Visual Poetry, the...